Sep 28Liked by Allison Deraney

Needed this. I don’t take enough time to celebrate myself. Sometimes I gloss over what I’ve done and minimize it. I need to do more of this even if in small ways. I play the uk not deserving game too often. Going to take some time to show myself some appreciation this weekend.

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You are so worth celebrating, Marc. And I understand what you mean.

For me, sometimes I have to deliberately pull myself back and almost take an aerial view of what I’ve stayed connected to and consistent with to feel the power of my own promises. Today I feel proud as a peacock for my dedication to my writing practice.

Tomorrow - I might slide right back into playing smaller. I guess we have to practice fanning out our feathers 🦚🦚

Be a peacock this weekend, my friend 🫶🫶

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a total blessing to meet you and witness you, Allison. thankful for your presence here and there at Threshold and on every call you have with your friends who are struggling and for your "thank you" to yourself. yup.

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SUCH a blessing to have met you, Elena. Truly 🙏🏼

Carrying all the treasured gifts of Threshold into my days.

Many thanks! 💞

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I'm so glad I found you! I love the writing you do. And that retreat sounds amazing! Good for you!

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I’m so glad we found each other, Samantha! The community of sober creatives that hang out here on Substack feels life giving.

Thanks for this comment 🫶

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Sep 28Liked by Allison Deraney

Wow, I just discovered you & I’m crying because when you asked who shows up for you, I answered “no one”.

I show up for myself in so many ways; I never thought about me. And that made me really, really sad.

Thank you. I need this.


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Hi Linda - thank you for sharing here. I so get it. It took me a long time to trust that I can consistently hold myself up. We do it - yet so easily forget the power we have in keeping it a practice. We forget all the things we do to care for ourself. I’m so glad you show up for yourself and I believe you can stand in that power regularly. 🫶

Thanks for being here.

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This is so beautiful, Allison.

It took a long while for me to finally keep promises to myself. I used to put myself last and push through things I didn't want to do in hopes of making others happy. I think recovery is one big reason why I keep them now. The promises I make to myself are somewhat of a guidepost for routine and consistency, which I find is necessary in my own recovery journey. If I feel nudged to break a promise, it's an invitation to go deeper into the 'why' of wanting to break it; is it not serving me anymore and I need to adjust, or am I trying to bail on myself for self-sabotaging reasons?

Over the past few years it's become much easier to put myself first, but it wasn't always that way!

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Thanks for sharing here, Kaitlyn.

I can relate to ALL of that. The foundation of my recovery is self care - starting every day with what I need so that I don’t feel I’ve sacrificed myself. That might look like me getting up earlier to carve the time but I’ve learned it carries me throughout the day.

I thrive on routine, to a flaw somedays 😏

I guess recovery is one giant promise we keep to ourselves, day in and day out, right?

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Sep 28Liked by Allison Deraney

Sounds like a gorgeous retreat indeed, Allison! Heart-sourced celebration of your commitment and consistency in showing up so beautifully and generously in this space. All the hearts to you!

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I appreciate this note so much, Dana!

Hearts floating right back to you 💞😘

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Sep 28Liked by Allison Deraney

I’m so glad you were there, Allison, and this reflection makes me feel it was worth it. Keep showing up, lady!

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Thank you Laura! For reminding us all of the true vows. And how to find our way back to them. It was a day I’ll treasure. ✨

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Wow Allison…just wow! Congratulations on this one year anniversary of bringing forth what is inside you so beautifully to the page and to all of us. I celebrate with you, a glass of n/a bubbly in my hand. And I’ll be back to dig into those great questions and the richness of the soil you tilled this week. So happy for you!

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Thanks Amy. I truly treasure sharing this writing practice with you. You’ve been a continual source of inspiration and encouragement along the way.

P.S. I’m going on a hike tomorrow and I have deliberately saved part 1 of Walking Myself home on the Camino so that I can listen to your audio playback while I venture out.

Can’t wait! I’ll try to imagine I’m there with you. Lol

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Awww, thank you for that lovely intentional way of listening to my Camino story. I hope it makes good company for you. Enjoy the hike!

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Sep 27Liked by Allison Deraney

Hooray hooray!! Center stage on your own terms. On your own time. 👏

Elena’s Daily Ceremony Deck is one of the best treats I’ve given myself. Though I do it weekly 🤣

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There’s something extra special about making space for ceremony - whether it be daily or weekly! On your time is right on time, if you ask me 💕

And I have incorporated Elena’s Art of Attention yoga healing cards into my practice 🧘☮️

Thanks for the cheers, Caroline.

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Sep 27Liked by Allison Deraney

Thanks for the mention!!!

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Thanks for your work in spreading awareness and understanding, Jonathon!

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