So beautifully, honestly, vulnerably written, Allison. And with your usual verve and originality of phrase that I so enjoy. But aside from the wonderful writing, the message here is SO important. I got sober in February 2021 and there were so many firsts that first year of sobriety, "first birthday," "first vacation," "first Fourth of July," "first visit to Paris" to visit my daughter and watch them enjoy the Sancerre while I sadly looked down at my sparkling water, yet the sadness was momentary because I looked around at all the people I loved in that room and I didn't want to be numb to any of that love. Or to any of my life. It is hard, it is brave, and one of the best decisions of my life.

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Thanks for this, Amy. 🙏🏼

And yes - all the firsts during year 1 present their own challenges. The feeling of deprivation does pass. And slowly, what creeps in is that deep appreciation that you point out. Being fully awake to life and all its moments is the greatest gift of a sober life. The best kind of hard I know!

Always happy to share alongside you. 🫶

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Jun 21Liked by Allison Deraney

“It’s lonely when you are the only one grieving without a numbing agent.”

Everything in life is lonely when you’re the only one.

Gratitude for your continued journey 🙏

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Gratitude for finding you on this sober journey, Dee. Thanks 🙏🏼

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Jun 21Liked by Allison Deraney

Summer...so much temptations to drink, with beach days, fun cocktails and frozen drinks, patio bars, cook outs. Sometimes I feel like im being left out of the good times. But then I think how much better I am now 2+ years sober. I now remember all my beach days and cook outs. I still enjoy them and...i dont feel like shit the day after.

Its not easy being sober, and in my opinion, especially in the summer. But I am really not missing out on anything by being sober. If anything, I'm gaining so much.

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The benefits of a sober life far outweigh the appeal of drinking. I do miss the comradery, though. We just gotta find out badass sober cobras to reflect back to us how awesome we are. 💪🏻🐍

There’s a song by Jason Isbell called It Gets Easier that rings so true to me. It’s about sobriety and the main refrain goes: It gets easier but it never gets easy.

Love having you by my side through this, Sha ❤️😘

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